Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Materials Ready But Am I?

The scans have arrived.  Truthfully they arrived over a week ago.  I looked at one and tried to format a page.  I've forgotten everything.  I found a book that describes the steps.  Now I know except for one thing.  And I'm calling a friend to tell me what to do about that.

There are three books to do. I don't know when I'll start.  Maybe Thursday.  Maybe next Monday. Not starting on the weekend.  Now that I'm retired I still obey weekends. It's crazy.  Sometimes during the week I have to look at the paper to see what day it is.This isn't alarming. Lot's of retirees do this.

Before I work with the scans I want to put up another of my eBooks free for a day.  This worked well when I did it before with other books. But I don't do it.  I keep putting it off.  You don't simply say it's free and sit back.  You have to publicize it and that's the part I hate. I guess that's what I'll do on Thursday.  Going out tomorrow.  It's sounding more and more like I won't get to working on the scanned book before Monday.

I got a new novel from the library and I want to read it.  No time for work.


Elinathomas said...

You can also use Google Drive's Undo feature to recover the deleted file. After you delete the files or documents from your Google Drive, you can use this option. It can help you recover deleted files from Google Drive in an easy way.............Google Bellen

Do One Thing said...
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