I couldn’t leave chapter two in third person. More accurately, I couldn’t leave character 2 in third person. Now I’m going to have two voices in first person. One fifteen, one forty. One female, one male. Does it work? Who knows. I don’t want to give it to first reader because at this stage it would be a mistake.
I still only have four chapters. And I’m not finished changing character 2 from first to third. As I do this I can’t help thinking why? Why am I doing this at all? As I’ve said before I’m a writer so it appears I have to write.
I shouldn’t read Laura Lippman’s Memory Project, but I like to check out what she’s up to. Still, I’m exhausted from reading her schedule and her word count. Even though she’s younger than I am, I didn’t keep up such a pace when I was her age. I don’t know how she does it. She even writes on tour! I never did. I was delighted to have a real excuse not to write.
I can’t help thinking I’m spinning my wheels, making busy work. Well, not all the time. Sometimes I feel that what I’m writing is good and no matter what, if I keep going this way, I’ll be proud of it when I finish. Sometimes I think what I’m writing sucks and I’ll be embarrassed when I finish.
When I finish? Only yesterday I didn’t want to come to this computer. But I did. I still get the Sunday night blues. I try to remind myself that I’m not going to school the next day and that no one is making me write but me. Even so I have those damn blues. Do others have them?
I think it’ll take me the rest of the week to change character 2 from third to first. I started chapter five before I realized I had to make these changes. Only a paragraph. I hope the changes will propel me and I can get back to surprising myself by what the people do in this book.