Thursday, September 08, 2005


My agent called my editor about the advertising of This Dame For Hire that was promised on the back of the galley.  He called me.

He said he knows it’s a problem and he’s talked about it at meetings.  Not just my book, but the whole process.  He’s even said, “Why can’t we be honest?”  I’m surprised he wasn’t fired for that.

Apparently it’s a practice that’s widespread and the feeling is that the bookstore owners will never remember.  Maybe that’s true.  Or maybe, since it happens all the time, they pay no attention to what’s on a galley.

It had never happened to me before, which is why I wrote about it in the first place.  But I have to say that my agent was on the case when she returned from France, and my editor felt I was owed an explanation.

I appreciate them both.

Waiting for the copy-edited manuscript of Too Darn Hot. I think it will arrive tomorrow.  If it’s anything like the copy-edited manuscript of This Dame, I don’t have much to worry about.  I don’t look forward to it, but I’m not wary the way I was the first time.

What kind of fool am I?



Hollowbone Crone said...

What kind of fool am I?
Come on, that's not applicable, but I like the ring of kind of sounds like another musically based book title....:)

mapletree7 said...

Waiting for the copy-edited manuscript of Too Darn Hot. I think it will arrive tomorrow. If it’s anything like the copy-edited manuscript of This Dame, I don’t have much to worry about. I don’t look forward to it, but I’m not wary the way I was the first time.

Fill us in. What's to dread?

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, love the THIS DAME FOR HIRE jacket...

Bob Levinson