Sunday, June 26, 2011


The last of the Lauren Laurano books is finished.  Gonna Take A Homicidal Journey This is the fifth book in the series.  I have no plans to put up any of my other back list books, so I'm really done with this project. I rushed to finish because I was expecting my toy (Ipad) and it arrived yesterday morning.  Do I love it?  I do.  But there's a lot to learn. Patience is not my long suit, in case you haven't noticed.

I've also lowered the price on the Jack Early/Sandra Scoppettone books to 99 cents each. They are:
A Creative Kind of Killer
Donato & Daughter

The whole experience of turning my novels into E-books has been boring, exciting, wonderful, mind numbing and necessary. Why necessary? Because the idea of having new readers is important to me.  The Laurano series began before some of these new readers were born.  Same with the others.

I started this project back in January when I sent my books to be scanned.  I think I put up my first book in February.  I had no idea when I started it would take this long.  There were a few times along the way that I wanted to quit, but I had a friend, Consuelo Saah Baehr, a wonderful writer, who had gotten me into this thing by constant nagging!  When I wanted to throw in the towel she simply wouldn't let me. Thank you, Consuelo.

From time to time I'll have to do some marketing with these books if I want new readers, but I'm going to take the summer and have a vacation.  A vacation to me means reading.  I have so many books lined up there's no way I could read even half. 
 From the front.

And from the back.

I think of this as my store.

As far as writing another book....I'll never say never.  But if I do you'll find it as an Ebook and in no other form.

A side note.  When I was proofing one of the books I got down to the last 10 pages and still didn't know who did it!  Maybe it's my memory...or something worse, but whatever it is I find it fascinating.  I hope you'll give some of these books a shot. 

I'm not going anywhere.  I'll be posting from time to time.

Maybe I'll start to rant.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Downloading Donato and Me now.
I am fascinated with my glimpse into your world through those pictures.

Consuelo Saah Baehr said...

Like Patti, I am fascinated with my glimpse into your world. Thank you for the kind words but your books are too good to gather dust on your bookshelves. They deserve a big new audience. I predict your new audience will be much bigger than your old audience and more appreciative. Sandra, I love your writing and I'm so happy you completed this project. I'm reading your books on my Kindle all over again and loving it.

your pal, Consuelo